Key Issues for better ROI:-
three key issues that could determine the success of an ERP implementation and
work towards delivering quicker and better ROI ARE:
.Functionality: The ability
of the package to support the best business practices followed in the company’s
line of business would be crucial factor in determining the smoothness of
implementation customizations that could put time schedules and budgets off
track. A focused evaluation exercise at the selection stage would help
eliminate incompatible choices. The quality and commitment of business
consultants and product consultants involved in the ERP implementation would
also be a very critical factor in ensuring its success.
Technology. Scalable ERP
solutions that support open, non proprietary technology standards would provide
for protection of investment and ensure minimal risk. They should support
different kinds of operating systems, databases and operate on moist major
client/server hardware platforms, local area networks (LAN) and user interfaces
(ASCII Motif, Windows 95, etc) so as to minimize risk towards technology
obsolescence. The ERP package¶s programming language; software development
tools should permit ready adaptation of the system in response to ongoing
changes in production and operational processes. To minimize customization
effort and time, the development tool-set for the application should be easy to
Implement ability of the solution.
This would be the most crucial and significant factor as
customer satisfaction and the benefit of ERP would depend not only on
functionality but also on ease of configuration and the software¶s
flexibility to support optimization of business processes. Much of the
complexity of a software implementation process has also to do with setting
of parameters, designing menus and authorizations. The roles and
responsibilities of different employees have to be clearly identified,
understood and configured in the system. The involvement and willingness of the
employees to accept and use these new procedures laid by the ERP would, to a
great extent, determine the success of the implementation. Simple, easy to use
processes and procedures go a long way in creating user trust and confident.
There have been instances of large and complex packages failing to deliver on
implementations because of the misgivings users had in terms of difficulty
of configuration and usage. When organizational changes takes place the
software solution should grow and adapt to the change in demands of information
needs. The ability of ERP package to mange and support dynamically changing
business processes is a critical and vital requirement for the organization
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